Sunday, April 01, 2007

Error "A Strong SA Password is Required for Security Reasons" When Trying to Install MSDE

When trying to install MSDE included with Sage Accpac HRMS, the following error may occur:

"A strong SA password is required for security reasons. Please use SAPWD switch to supply the same. Refer to readme for more details. Setup will no exit."

The installation then terminates.This error normally occurs on Windows Server editions, but may also occur on Windows XP.

Follow the steps below to setup MSDE manually:

  1. From the Start Menu, select Run...
  2. In the Run dialog box, type in "cmd" and click OK.
  3. Complete the following commands, pressing the Enter key after each command:
  • "x:" (where x is the CD Drive where the HRMS CD is inserted)
  • "cd\msde2000"
  • "setup SAPWD="password" INSTANCENAME="name" SECURITYMODE=SQL (where password is the password you choose and name is the identifier which you choose to call the MSDE installation) (NOTE: the password must be a strong password, meaning it must contain both numbers and letters).

During the Accpac database setup, the login information will be as follows (unspecified fields can be left with their default values):

Server Name: \
User Name: sa